Konstatētie pārkāpumi
Robežsargi aiztur Moldovas pilsoni ar viltotiem dokumentiem

On 6 August this year, border guards detained one person - a Latvian citizen - for using false documents.

At the Silene border control point, border guards checked a car leaving Latvia. During the document check, the driver of the vehicle, a Latvian citizen born in 1978, had presented a false driving licence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the border guards.

A criminal proceeding under Article 275(1) of the Criminal Code has been initiated for the use of false documents. After all the necessary criminal procedural steps have been taken, the criminal proceedings have been forwarded to the South Latgale Prosecutor's Office for initiation of criminal prosecution. The perpetrator was imposed a fine of EUR 1 500 for the commission of the offence by a prescription of the prosecutors of South Latgale.

The Criminal Code provides that the falsification of a document conferring rights or releasing from obligations, a seal or stamp, as well as the sale or use of a falsified document, seal or stamp is punishable by imprisonment for up to one year, temporary imprisonment, compulsory labour or a fine, but in cases where it is committed for pecuniary interest, by a group of persons by prior agreement, or where it has caused substantial damage to public authority, the order of government or the interests of a person protected by law, it shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of up to three years.

Information provided by Ginta Skangale

Strategic Development and Public Relations Unit

of the Central Board of the State Border Guard,

phone  67075617, e-mail: ginta.skangale@rs.gov.lv